Thursday, September 22, 2016

¿Le gustan los dulces? ¡Esta Bien! Usted Puede Mejorar Su Salud y Disfrutar De Los Postres Al Mismo Tiempo!

Los postres tienen una mala reputación, pero , aunque no lo crean , todavía se pueden satisfacer los antojos mientras se practica una dieta saludable. El NIH ha proporcionado algunas recetas de dulces que se pueden disfrutar, mientras esta en su camino hacia el éxito nutricional!


Do You Have a Sweet Tooth? That's Okay! You Can Still Enjoy Desserts While Improving Your Health!

Desserts have a bad reputation but, believe it or not, you can still satisfy cravings while practicing a healthy diet. The NIH has provided a few recipes for sweet treats that you can enjoy while on your path to nutritional success! 

Saturday, September 17, 2016

Are You Making the Right Beverage Choices? Find out!

There are many people who strive to be healthier but don't know where to start. If improving your eating habits seems too overwhelming, try improving your drinking habits first! It'll reduce your caloric intake, leave you feeling more hydrated than before, and may inspire you to improve other parts of your diet as well.

¡Siga Estos Consejos a Ahorrar Dinero comiendo saludable!

Follow These Tips So You Can Save Money On Your Healthy Treats!

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

¡Leer Sobre Alternativas Saludables para Sus Granos Favoritos!

Muchas personas que quieren peder peso/ mejorar su sensación de salud se desaniman porque creen que tienen que cortar los carbohidratos de su dieta. En realidad, lo opuesto es verdad! Los carbohidratos son una parte esencial de una dieta saludable.
Pero usted tiene que elegir los granos sabiamente. Los granos refinados (por ejemplo, el pan blanco, arroz blanco) tienen menos valor nutritivo que los cereales integrales (por ejemplo, el pan integral, arroz integral). Comiendo los granos refinados pueden obstaculizar sus esfuerzos. El consumo de granos intergral en lugar de granos refinados puede ayudarle a alcanzar sus objectivos nutricionales.

Find Healthy Alternatives to Your Favorite Grains!

Many people striving to lose weight/ improve their health feel discouraged because they think they have to cut carbs out of their diet. Actually, the opposite is true! Carbs are an essential part of a healthy diet.
However, carbs must be chosen wisely. Refined grains (e.g., white bread, white rice) have less nutritional value than whole grains (e.g., whole wheat bread, brown rice) so eating refined grains can hinder your efforts. Switching out refined grains for whole grains is an easy way to keep you on the right track and help you reach your nutritional goals!

Sunday, September 11, 2016

We're Focusing on Nutrition This Month!

Now that summer is over, swimsuit season's over, and eating well may seem a little less important. Nonsense! Whether or not you've tried to eat right in the past, the present is always the right time to improve your diet. Your health relies on it. 

Tuesday, September 6, 2016